Green Rock Hotel Bamenda & Guest House Buea

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Certain organizations and individuals, misrepresenting themselves as agents, officers, or members of Greenrock Hotel Group, may attempt to obtain your personal or financial information by offering fraudulent financing or investment opportunities, services, products, or prizes. This fraud may be perpetuated via an unsolicited email, an online message, a prerecorded telephone message, or by using a website or social media account that purports to be affiliated with Green Rock Hotel Group.

Green Rock Hotel Group does not contact individuals via automated or prerecorded telephone calls, nor do we contact individuals via generic email addresses such as Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo. All communications will always originate from a verifiable Green Rock Hotel Group source, telephone number, or e-mail address and not from any free web-based pages or email accounts. If you are unsure whether a communication is legitimate, please send us an email query to before taking any action related to such correspondence.

You can also call us using Tel/whatsapp: (+237) 670806007 | 675751673| 670271511 ©2022 Green Hotel Bamenda & Guest House Buea